Ready for your Red Carpet? | SAINT CHIC
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Ready for your Red Carpet?

21 Feb 2012 0 Comments

As much as we really want a celeb to rock our shit on the red carpet, we'd rather not chase stylists down and pin our clothes on their client. True story. 

Instead we actually want people to love it, and then just be wearing it one day, and then get photographed, or videoed, or whatever. You know? Like in the old days, when people actually had a clue of their own about what they liked.

No shade to stylists or celebs.

But, in this VH1 clip, it's a perfect example of a SAINTCHiC fan, Janell Snowden, rocking the ERGO on a regular day. It's her job to be in front of the camera and on red carpets, exclusively, so it means a lot to us that she loves the ERGO! Work, Janell!

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